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Get to Know Your Customers –
Nordic Cuisine

Get to Know Your Customers

Yes, the best way to get to know your customers is in the bar, at the counter. But that kind of knowledge does not always help your business. Instead, we are talking about getting to know your customers’ spending habits, what they like and don’t like and other bits and pieces that may be useful for you.

With extended knowledge about your customers, you’ll be able to provide better service and know what to focus on in your offers. You can also identify what’s not really working and could be skipped. As the days (and nights) only have so many hours, that kind of information can be really useful.

Get a Digital Tool

There’s no way around it: you have to have a good marketing tool to help you. By using data studio report you can connect customer information from different sources and make a cross examination easily.

There are lots of templates to use, so displaying the information you are interested in is easy and you can select exactly what to display. Visualizing may help you identify areas of your business that you should focus on, or alternatively, spend less time on.

Great Service

But, in the end, there is nothing better for keeping customers coming back than providing great service. And of course, great drinks. So do keep getting to know your customers in person, at the counter. That will add to the feeling of familiarity and make the customers comfortable and happy.

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