Combine a Visit to the Café With Getting Things Done

Most of the time, we consider a visit to the café as an activity of its own. As such, it takes time from other things that we want to, or have to, do. But there is actually a smart way of combining a visit to the café and getting things done.
Treat the visit as a treat. Negotiate with yourself, as some people call it, or the carrot method. Once you have performed one of the tasks you need to do, you reward yourself with a coffee at the café.
Keep the Task Equal to the Reward
One tricky thing, if you find it really difficult to motivate yourself to do the tasks needed, is to have the reward match the task. If you for example need to clean and organize your cellar, break complete activity down into smaller parts.
Once you’re done with one part, you get a smaller reward, like order custom stickers printing online. When the complete task is done, you get the big reward, i.e. going to the café.
Getting Stuff Done at the Café
There is of course also the possibility of actually doing chores at the café. Naturally, this only works for administrative tasks that can be done on a laptop. Examples of such tasks are paying your bills, checking the monthly expenses versus budget, making a weekly shopping list and a weekly menu. Your family may have other things that need to be done, so don’t be limited by those examples.

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