Guide to Buying the Perfect Tuxedo Shirt

A tuxedo is an outfit you wear when you’re in the most formal events, such as a black-tie event. And while the tuxedo is extremely important, you shouldn’t ignore the shirt you’re going to wear as it is necessary.
That’s especially true if you want to be the best-dressed man. So how do you pick the perfect tuxedo shirt? Continue reading to find out.
Choosing the Perfect Fabric
First, let’s talk about the materials! When it comes to choosing one, there are only two great options. You can go with white twills or broadcloths like Royal Oxfords and Jacquards. It all depends on what type of look you’re thinking.
If you’re looking to get a textured look, pick the broadcloths. But if not, take the white twills.
Picking the Perfect Collar
Apart from the materials, you should also think of the collar. While it might not be the most traditional one, using a spread collar is the best. That’s because it’s versatile and more comfortable.
But if you’re going on a fancy white event, then make sure you get the traditional wingtip.
Picking the Cuff Styles
When picking cuffs, make sure that you always choose the french cuffs. That’s because french cuffs are not only the most formal. Plus, it helps you to distinguish yourself further as you can pick your cufflinks. So make sure you choose this one above everything else!
And that’s how you pick the perfect tuxedo shirt. So with these three in mind, you’re guaranteed to get an excellent tuxedo shirt. And if you’re looking for a place to buy, I highly recommend you buy tuxedo shirts in Eton!

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