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Marketing Made Easy –
The Cafe Lifestyle

Marketing Made Easy

Ah, the wonderful life of the entrepreneurs, living their dream… Doing what they love all day long and making lots of money. Sounds like a dream? Well it is, and it isn’t. What many of those starting their own company quickly come to realise is that it’s not only about realising the grand idea that led to forming their own firm. In fact, most of the work is about completely different things, such as marketing, budgeting and other administrative tasks. 

So, in order to make more of the work enjoyable, let us share some tips that have worked for us. 

Simplify It

The most important thing is to minimize the time spent on things that are not developing your idea. To accomplish this most efficiently, get software that helps you. 

For marketing, a great tool to use is Data Studio, helping you to gather all information in one place and then customize it to fit your audience, or even several target groups. Try to automate as much of it as possible, and you’ll have to spend less time doing repetitive tasks. 

Create a Placeholder

You know that feeling at the end of the month when you have to scramble through heaps of papers to find all the receipts and other paper the accountant needs? You can avoid that, and it’s not even that hard. 

Create a placeholder, perhaps a couple of hours every Friday morning. Then go through the papers from the past week and sort them. You’ll notice that the weekly work is quite quickly over with, and you don’t have to fret at the end of the month. Win-win!

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